Let’s Talk: What will make me not pick up a book

First off HEY! Long time no chat. I’ve taken a break obviously and quite a lot has changed since then. I feel like there should be an update post to what I’ve been up to, but I kind of got on here after watching a Youtube video and felt inspired to write about things I don’t condone when reading books or why I wouldn’t read certain books. As I got older my reading tastes have changed, things I used to love about books just doesn’t appeal to me anymore. I kind of touched on that when I talked about love triangles and it’s what made me want to write this post again in the first place. So I’ll stop jabbering on now and we’ll just get right into it.

  1. First thing’s first, as I stated before love triangles but it’s even more than what I talked about in my previous post. Reagan from PuruseProject was talking about how she doesn’t like Anna and The French Kiss anymore because it condones cheating. And that’s what kind of set me off. I didn’t really like that book anyway (even though my goodreads rating will beg to differ), but I’m like “I know exactly what you’re going to say that you realize was problematic about that book” and I was right, she didn’t like that it condoned cheating and quite frankly neither did I. I don’t condone cheating at all and in a way that’s why I’ve grown out of love triangles because you’re not sticking to one person, you’re playing with two people hearts and I feel like it’s basically cheating.
  2. Abusive relationships. nope. nope. nope.
  3. I read a lot of romance so this comes up a lot as recommendations, arranged marriage, contract marriage, forced marriage. That kind of thing, I know you guys fall in love in the end but why do you have to be in a situation where you’re kind of forced to do it.
  4. And then there are just stupid things like books dated before 2000s or way in the past because I feel like back then there were more rules and way women had to act and I’m just not down.

Well that’s all I can remember now, the big thing was the cheating and love triangles, but should I really have another post solely dedicated to that?

Thanks for reading my rant, bye!

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